Nuts and gut health [re-release]
February 2025. Listen here: And available everywhere you listen to podcasts: https://pod.link/thehealthyhandful About this episode Nicole Dynan, dietitian and gut…
October 2021.
Our latest podcast episode takes a fascinating look at the relationship between nuts and cognition, with guest Dr Sze-Yen Tan.
Decades of research supports the role of nuts for chronic disease prevention. But more recently, nuts have been associated with brain health and specifically, cognitive function.
We speak with researcher Dr Sze-Yen Tan from Australia’s Deakin University to uncover the relationship between nut intake and cognitive function in older adults. We discuss the potential mechanisms, as well as the types and amounts of nuts needed to benefit brain health.
Enjoy this deep dive into nuts and cognition!
Dr Sze-Yen Tan is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian, Senior Lecturer and the Deputy Course Director of the Bachelor of Nutrition Science at Deakin University. Yen is also an active researcher at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN), where his research focuses on finding effective dietary strategies to promote healthy body weight and prevent chronic diseases.
Deakin University video: Nut intake and cognitive function of older adults
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Host: Belinda Neville
Published October 26, 2021
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