Nuts for Life is Australia’s voice for the crucial role nuts play in good health and nutrition. On behalf of the nut industry, we work closely with health professionals, government, and other bodies to improve the nutritional reputation of nuts.
Celebrating 20 years in 2023
The year 2023 marks 20 years of Nuts for Life, and we think that’s worth celebrating!

Nuts for Life is a productive, collaborative project, that has added significant value to the wider nut industry over the past 20 years.
We’ve built a reputation as Australia’s credible voice for the vital role nuts play in good health and nutrition. And we’ve played a key role in helping drive nut consumption in Australia – which has more than doubled in volume, and tripled in value since 2003, to achieve an increase of around 5% compound growth per annum.
Let’s recognise and celebrate this milestone, and all that Nuts of Life has accomplished!
2030 Vision
Driving consumption – 10 million Australians eating nuts daily
Our 2030 Vision provides direction and clarity for the nut industry, enabling it to work together towards the clear, common goal of elevating the importance of nuts within healthy and environmentally-sustainable diets.

Our contributors
Nuts for Life is facilitated by the Australian Nut Industry Council (ANIC) in partnership with Australian nut industry members, from all sectors of the supply chain.
Nuts for Life is funded by the Hort Frontiers Health, Nutrition & Food Safety Fund, part of the Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiative developed by Hort Innovation, with co-investment from the nut industry and contributions from the Australian Government.

Current contributors:
- Almond Board of Australia
- Australian Macadamia Society
- Australian Pioneer Pistachio Company
- Australian Walnut Industry Association
- Charlesworth Nuts
- Chestnuts Australia Inc
- Commodity Imports Australia
- COT Foods
- FTA Food Solutions Pty Ltd
- GB Commtrade Pty Ltd
- G Crumpton & Sons
- Hazelnut Growers of Australia Inc
- Hort Innovation Australia
- MWT Foods
- Nut Producers Australia Pty Ltd
- The Nut Shop
- Olam Orchards Australia Pty Ltd
- Peanut Company of Australia
- Rath & Co Trading
- Royal Nut Company
- Saker Consultants Pty Ltd
- Scalzo Food Industries
- Select Harvests
- Stahmann Webster
- Trumps Pty Ltd