January 2023.

About this episode

Nuts are rich in heart-healthy fat and are energy (kilojoule) dense. But does this mean that regularly eating nuts is linked to weight gain? No, and in fact we tend to see the opposite – eating nuts is associated with a lower body weight and a lower risk of obesity.

We speak with Cassandra Nikodijevic, as she explains more findings from her PhD research – the effect of nut consumption on energy compensation and energy expenditure.

Her latest findings show that eating a handful of nuts generally reduced kilojoules consumed throughout the day, compared with eating a ‘control’ food or no food at all – and in some cases, even completely offset the kilojoules of the nutty snack.

Cassandra also explains the differences in ‘energy compensation’ between nut forms, and the impact of eating nuts alone as a snack, or incorporating them into meals.   

About today’s guest

Cassandra Nikodijevic is an Accredited Practising Dietitian. She graduated from the University of Wollongong with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) (Dean’s Scholar) in 2018 and began her PhD in nutrition in March 2021.

Cassandra works in private practice once a fortnight to supplement her PhD. Her research explores nut consumption in Australia, and the relationship between nut consumption and body weight.

Cassandra Nikodijevic - Energy in nuts
Cassandra Nikodijevic, PhD researcher, University of Wollongong

Supporting resources

The effects of tree nut and peanut consumption on energy compensation and energy expenditure: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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Host: Belinda Neville

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