April 2021.

About this episode:

Nuts are high in healthy fats and are energy (kilojoule) dense. But does this mean that regularly eating nuts is linked to weight gain?

No. In fact, the opposite is what we tend to see. Decades of large population-based studies and clinical trials have consistently shown that those who regularly consume nuts tend to have a lower body weight and are less likely to gain weight over time.

The mechanisms by which nuts help manage body weight and reduce adiposity have been examined in scientific research.

And while we know of some mechanisms – such as that nuts contain protein and fibre which help satisfy hunger and reduce appetite, and that up to 30% of the kilojoules in nuts are not absorbed – we still need to better understand all the factors at play. Things like the amount and type of nuts, the time period, and the comparator diet.

Elizabeth Neale explains the research and the known mechanisms by which nuts do not lead to weight gain.

About today’s guest:

Dr Elizabeth Neale is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian. She completed her PhD in nutrition at the University of Wollongong in 2012. Elizabeth currently works as a Career Development Fellow (Lecturer) at the University of Wollongong.

Elizabeth’s research focuses on the evidence-based framework in nutrition, with a particular focus on systematic reviews and meta-analyses in nutrition. Elizabeth’s research also explores the impact of nut consumption on risk factors for chronic diseases.

Dr Elizabeth Neale - Nuts and weight podcast
Dr Elizabeth Neale

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Host: Belinda Neville

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