Nuts and gut health
Healthy dietary patterns, including those that incorporate nuts, benefit gut health. And a healthy gut, in turn, plays a crucial…
Nuts are a particularly nutritious food for children, as they are rich in essential nutrients that children need to help them grow and develop.
Research tells us that nut consumption improves children’s diet quality [1].
Nuts are nutrient-rich foods which can make a significant contribution towards helping to meet the nutrient requirements of growing children, including:
Replacing energy-dense, nutrient-poor snacks with nuts has the potential to build healthy dietary habits as children develop into adults.
A handful of nuts each day is a valuable inclusion to your child’s diet.
Nuts make a convenient, healthy and filling snack thanks to their healthy fats, fibre, plant protein and wide variety of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Nuts should be introduced to infants from around 4-6 months of age, in the form of butters or pastes, to avoid the risk of choking from whole nuts.
Overweight and obesity is a major concern in Australia, with just over 1 in 4 children and adolescents overweight or obese [2]. But research shows that those who regularly eat nuts have healthier BMIs and healthier body weights [3,4]. Encouraging children to eat a handful of nuts every day is therefore not only helpful in heading off weight problems, but may also help to displace less healthy foods in the diet, thereby promoting a better diet overall.
Nuts contain protein, fibre and healthy fats, which help to satisfy hunger [5,6]. And the heart-healthy fats in nuts can also switch on satiety hormones [7,8]. Finally, in good news for nut lovers, research suggests not all the fat in nuts is absorbed by the body, with up to 26% being excreted in faeces [9,10].
The ASCIA infant feeding guidelines [11] recommend introducing foods according to what the family usually eats, regardless of whether the food is considered to be a common food allergen, at around 4-6 months of age.
Nut butters, pastes and flours can be introduced at this time, just like other foods. As a guide, mix a small amount (¼ teaspoon) of smooth peanut butter/paste into your baby’s usual food (such as vegetable puree). If there is no allergic reaction, gradually increase the amount, such as ½ teaspoon the next time.
Many schools and childcare centres in Australia claim to be ‘nut free’. However, this approach is not supported by ASCIA or state government health departments.
Even if your child attends a ‘nut free’ school, nuts make excellent after school snacks, either mixed with homemade popcorn, as a spread on wholegrain crackers, or added to muffins, yoghurts or fruit.
Save whole nuts until children reach around 3 years to reduce the risk of choking. (Note: Some parents/carers may prefer to hold off giving whole nuts until around 5 years of age, dependent on the child). And young children should always be supervised while eating any food considered a choking hazard, including raw carrot, grapes, popcorn, and whole nuts.
Published July 4, 2019
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