January 2025.

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About this episode

What are Australians actually buying at the supermarket? And how does this stack up against our nation’s dietary guidelines?

In this episode, we’re joined by Healthylife’s Chief Health Officer Simone Austin to unpack the 2024 Living Healthy Report. We dive into Australia’s dietary habits – with some surprising learnings along the way. 

Simone breaks down where Australians are hitting the mark, and where we’re falling short. She shares practical tips and ‘can do’ suggestions to inspire us all toward healthier eating habits. The perfect way to start the New Year!

About today’s guest

Simone Austin has had a dynamic dietetic career – and this reflects her zestful personality.

From fuelling some of Australia’s most successful sporting teams, such as Hawthorn Football Club, the Australian Men’s Cricket Team, Melbourne Storm Rugby League Club, and Melbourne City A-League Team, she has written a book, ‘Eat Like an Athlete’, so we can all use nutrition to maximise our own life performance.

She is a Fellow of Sports Dietitians Australia, where she was previously President, and also recently finished a term on the Dietitians Australia Board after being the manager of the Advocacy and Policy team.

Currently the Chief Health Officer and Chair of the Advisory Board at Healthylife, Simone has led the publication of the annual Living Healthy Reports.

Simone loves to engage an audience and has been lucky enough in her roles, working with groups like Australian Almonds, to have presented with numerous celebrity chefs and sporting stars.

Simone Austin
Simone Austin

Supporting resources

Healthy Living Report, 2024

Towards healthier and more sustainable diets in the Australian context: Comparison of current diets with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet

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Host: Belinda Neville

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