Men’s Health Week is celebrated, around the globe, every year in June. Enjoying a healthy handful of nuts every day is an important step towards keeping Australian men healthy!

Five ways a healthy handful of nuts can support men’s health

Nuts for your … nuts

Snacking on a handful of nuts can improve male fertility. Research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found men who ate nuts daily experienced a significant improvement in sperm quality.

Nuts for your workout

Nuts are a source of plant protein (at 3-6g/30g handful, or around 10-20g/100g), which can assist with muscle recovery. Nuts make a handy, portable snack on the go, and are nutritious addition to a pre- or post-workout smoothie.

Nuts for heart health

Heart disease is a leading cause of death for men in Australia. Studies show eating a daily handful of nuts (about 30g) can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart disease. And for people with heart disease, eating nuts can reduce the risk of dying from it.

Nuts for managing your weight

The abundance of healthy fats, fibre and plant protein in nuts increases satiety, and the chewing involved in eating them helps to reduce appetite. These are just some of the reasons why decades of research shows nut consumption does not adversely affect body weight!

Nuts for mental health

Just as with physical health, looking after mental health is also important for men of all ages. Several local and international studies have found links between regular nut consumption and a lower risk of depression, and improvements in mood.


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