The acronym PREDIMED stands for PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (Prevention with Mediterranean Diet). PREDIMED was a long-term clinical trial undertaken by 16 research groups in seven communities in Spain over 2003-2011, to examine the effects of the Mediterranean diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in nearly 7400 subjects at high risk of … Continue reading Nuts and PREDIMED

Can nuts help me live longer?

Yes, eating nuts every day can help you live longer! Regularly eating nuts can reduce the risk of developing certain conditions, and can also lower the risk of dying prematurely. Researchers recently pulled together the data from 20 studies, involving more than 800,000 people, from around the world [1]. They concluded that a handful of … Continue reading Can nuts help me live longer?

Are nuts anti-inflammatory?

Yes, nuts are anti-inflammatory. Nuts contain many bioactive components that may favourably act on inflammation.  This may partly explain their effect on reducing the risk of diseases that are linked with chronic inflammation (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease) and, more recently, their positive effect on brain health. What is inflammation? Inflammation is the body’s … Continue reading Are nuts anti-inflammatory?

Can nuts help improve endothelial function?

A systematic review and meta-analysis (of 32 previously-published studies) investigated the effect of nuts on inflammatory biomarkers and endothelial function (1). It was published in the scientific journal BMC Open, in 2017. The review found favourable effects of nut consumption on flow-mediated dialation – a measure of endothelial function. It concluded that nut consumption could … Continue reading Can nuts help improve endothelial function?

Nuts: how do they reduce heart disease risk

Prof Joan Sabate from Loma Linda University US visited Australia in March 2013 and Nuts for Life asked him a series of questions about the health benefits of nuts.

Nuts: how do they help lower cholesterol

Prof Joan Sabate from Loma Linda University US visited Australia in March 2013 and Nuts for Life asked him a series of questions about the health benefits of nuts.

Nuts and lowering cholesterol

In 2012 Prof Jordi Salas Salvado and Dr Emilio Ros, famed researchers from the PREDIMED Mediterranean diet study, visited Australia for the International Dietetics Congress. They were interviewed about the role of nuts in a healthy diet and in the PREDIMED study.

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